What Does the Third Week of Advent Candle Stand for? The advent wreath has had many variations since it was invented in 1839, but the most common version has four candles inside a wreath. The first advent candle (“The Prophet’s Candle”) stands for hope. The second candle (“The ...
An Advent calendar is a very special calendar used to countdown to December 25: the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The Advent calendar tradition supposedly dates back to the 1850s. Some Advent calendars are simple, revealing a picture of a portion of
In Advent, we’re reminded of how much we ourselves also need a Savior, and we look forward to our Savior’s second coming even as we prepare to celebrate his first coming at Christmas. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming” or “visit.” In ...
Some Orthodox Churches use an Advent Wreath with six candles - as their Advent last longer! Their candles have these colours and meanings:The first candle is green and represents faith. The second candle is blue and represents hope. The third candle is gold and represents love. The fourth ...
The term “advent” comes from the Latin wordadventusmeaning “to come” or “arrival.” Put simply, Advent season is a time to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ which is recognized in three ways: His birth in Bethlehem, His coming into the hearts of believers, and His Second Coming ...
This Second Sunday of Advent we light the candle symbolizing peace. Peace – calmness, stillness, tranquility May you steal away some quiet moments to sit in stillness and reflect on peace. I, Shelly struggled with sitting still. I do still, but by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s wo...
Floppy disks became obsolete with the advent of USB storage. 7 Obsoleted Pushed out of use or relevance by new technology. Email has obsoleted traditional mail for many applications. 7 Obsolete No longer relevant or needed. The manual typewriter is an obsolete tool in modern offices. 7 Obsoleted...
etc. It’s de riguer but also totally authentic to notice — as often as every second of the day and night — how different things are now. Within the urban landscape that I choose to call home, the rhythm of life is more aligned now with that of the sun. On a typical Saturday ...
"In life, it's not about what you do; it's about what you see - out of which you do." - Father Tom
Medieval Christians were supposed to fast all the way until Dec. 25, which would be heralded by a candlelit Midnight Mass. The degree of ensuing decadence would depend on one's social status, but everyone, in theory, benefited from festive largesse. Princes and the high nobility took the op...