Why Is the Third Advent Candle a Different Color? In most advent wreaths, the first, second, and fourth candles are purple, but the third candle is pink or rose. Various writers have given different explanations for why the third candle is pink. Generally, there is a consensus that the co...
An Advent calendar is a very special calendar used to countdown to December 25: the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The Advent calendar tradition supposedly dates back to the 1850s. Some Advent calendars are simple, revealing a picture of a portion of
These include 'People Look East', 'Come, thou long expected Jesus', 'Lo! He comes, with clouds descending' and perhaps the most popular Advent song 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel!'.There are several ways that Advent is counted down but the most common is by a calendar or candle(s)....
For many observers of Advent, the first, second, and fourth Sundays of Advent are “purple/blue” Sundays. Only the third is a “pink” Sunday. The pink, joyful color reminds us that, even as Advent helps us get in touch with our sober yearning for God to come to us, we know that...
The term “advent” comes from the Latin wordadventusmeaning “to come” or “arrival.” Put simply, Advent season is a time to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ which is recognized in three ways: His birth in Bethlehem, His coming into the hearts of believers, and His Second Coming ...
This Second Sunday of Advent we light the candle symbolizing peace. Peace – calmness, stillness, tranquility May you steal away some quiet moments to sit in stillness and reflect on peace. I, Shelly struggled with sitting still. I do still, but by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s wo...
To know more, read: First Sunday of Advent. The Second Sunday of Advent Known as The Bethlehem Candle, the candle lit on the second Sunday of Advent is to remind Christians of the journey Mary and Joseph took to get to Bethlehem from Nazareth. For many Christians, it is an example of ...
We don’t have a mantel or a lot of shelves in our main living space, so the round tray on the dining table is my fall decorating spot. I throw in a pumpkin candle, and I’m done! Beach bonfires. These are fun year-round, but much more cozy when it’s actually cool out!
Floppy disks became obsolete with the advent of USB storage. 7 Obsoleted Pushed out of use or relevance by new technology. Email has obsoleted traditional mail for many applications. 7 Obsolete No longer relevant or needed. The manual typewriter is an obsolete tool in modern offices. 7 Obsoleted...
Medieval Christians were supposed to fast all the way until Dec. 25, which would be heralded by a candlelit Midnight Mass. The degree of ensuing decadence would depend on one's social status, but everyone, in theory, benefited from festive largesse. Princes and the high nobility took the op...