The Mid-Atlantic rift is a low valley or trench created by tectonic plates moving away from each other at a divergent plate boundary. The part of the... Learn more about this topic: Seafloor Spreading Theory | Definition, Diagram & Evidence ...
How big is the ocean floor? Where did the Atlantic ocean floor come from? What are the three main regions of the ocean floor? What ocean floor structure occurs between 0 and 165 km East of New Jersey? Which evidence supports the theory of the ocean floor spreading?
This explains what is plate tectonics theory of divergent boundaries. Atlantic Ocean is a divergent boundaryThe continents on each side of the Atlantic Ocean have been drifting apart forming new seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean basin for millions of years. The rate the African Plate and the South ...
Student: The Atlantic Ocean floor is spreading and getting wider, so there is more ocean between the Americas and Europe and Africa. Professor: OK. And why is it spreading? Student: Well, the seafloor is split.There is a ridge, a mountain range that runs north and south there.And the ...
Professor: OK. And why is it spreading? Student: Well, the seafloor is split.There is a ridge, a mountain range that runs north and south there.And the rock material flows up from Earth's interior here, at the split, which forces the two sides of the ocean floor to spread apart, to...
using iron-sulfur clusters. The theory proposes that early life may have formed on the surface ofiron sulfideminerals, hence the name and others like William Martin and Michael Russell suggest that the firstcellular lifeforms may have evolved inside alkalinehydrothermal ventsat seafloor spreading zones...
What is the meaning of transform plate boundary? The meaning of a transform plate boundary is that the Earth is transformed by its movement. This transformation occurs by displacing massive amounts of rock for a long distance or creating valleys and ridges along the boundary. These boundaries sli...
It is possible for a whole tectonic plate to disappear. This happens when the plate goes through subduction faster than new material can be added to the plate through seafloor spreading. The spreading pushes the plate slowly toward the subduction zone until the whole thing disappears. When this ...
General relativity tells us that gravity is not a force, but a curvature of spacetime.(Image credit: NASA.) Albert Einstein was famous for many things, but his greatest brainchild is the theory of relativity. It forever changed our understanding of space and time. ...
Uncontroversial plate motions based on seafloor spreading data were also used to test the results of the biogeographical and palaeomagnetic analyses. Results The distributions of Cretaceous terrestrial taxa, mostly dinosaurs, imply direct, continental connections between Australia and East Asia, East Asia...