UCSDUrbandale Community School District(Iowa) UCSDUser Centered System Design UCSDUtica City School District(New York) UCSDUrbana-Champaign Sanitary District(Illinois) UCSDUltra Cool Sexy Dudes UCSDUniversity of California, Sunny Dale(Buffy the Vampire Slayer, fictional) ...
The full search strategy for Embase (Ovid) is provided as an example in Table 1 below. See appendices for full search strategies for other databases. Table 1. Search strategy for Embase (Ovid). StepTerms and OperatorsRecords 1 sleep discrepancy or paradoxical insomnia or subjective insomnia or ...
just for the clerical work in doing this (I only eventually charged them $1,000 as a goodwill gesture). This year the charge for the same work was down to $350 as we didn't have to worry about transcription errors or data entry...which is work I hate anyway. Even the client comme...
What is Sally Tompkins known for? Did the Challenger carry Sally Ride on both journeys? How long was Sally Ride a professor at UCSD? Was Sally Ride on the Challenger when it exploded? Is astronaut Sally Ride gay? Did Sally Ride fly planes?Explore...
Although the blog can be quiet for stretches of time, the Instagram page is always full to bursting with beautiful reports from the garden. Mati, our garden teacher, also happens to be a gifted photographer. Every post she puts up brings a huge smile to my face. Consider following along ...
“But how do you bridge that gap from nanometer to micron scale? That has long been a big hurdle in the biological sciences,” said Ideker, who is also the founder of the UC Cancer Cell Map Initiative and the UC San Diego Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. “Tur...
“In the aid sector, we never tell people how decisions are made, regardless of whether those are human or machine-made decisions,” said one Salon participant. When the underlying algorithm is obscured, it cannot be reviewed for value judgments. Some compared this to some of the current ...
Also on the JVM. This is the core source of the momentum behind Java right now and there's no sign of it slowing down. Because these are open communities they keep innovating without the impedance that comes from worrying about licensing. For example, at Apigee we're now using a new ...
Running a game designed for 4.77Mhz wasn't always fun :-) - Fredrik This was my second computer. Before this was a 286 12Mhz. - BacMan (2) this one even has a cd-rom, very modern :-) - bandi No way this is a 386 of the era. It has a CD ROM drive for Pete's sake!!!
Who is Sally Ride? What elementary school did Sally Ride go to? Was Sally Ride the youngest astronaut in space? What did Sally Ride study in college? How long was Sally Ride an astronaut? Who was on the Challenger with Sally Ride? What did Sally Ride value? How old was Sally Ride whe...