Legend has it her design plans included a séance room, but whether spirits were actually summoned is a mystery today. However, celebrity medium James van Praagh claims to have communed with Sarah's spirit within its walls; and even the magician Harry Houdini, a famed skeptic, couldn't compl...
The scariest? Kill ListThe funniest? The Slumber Party MassacreThe 1990's were an odd decade for the horror genre, where attention was split between high-end thrillers like The Silence of the Lambs and the long series of terrible franchise sequels (all of those Friday the 13th and Halloween...
The thing that is scariest about maltodextrin is the "mystique" surrounding it. There seems to be a huge push by the food industry and even government via the FDA to whitewash maltodextrin as safe for everyone. There is a refusal to accept that anyone could possibly have any reaction to the...
Ken Wilber needs little introduction. A genius recognized in his own time, this prolific author is widely acclaimed for his innovative and critical synthesis of philosophies East and West, and has been hailed by many as one of the brightest lights of the modern spiritual world. With an ever g...
How The Creature Is Born: Throughout the folklore of the strigoi, there are many ways to become this vampiric being. One prominent way is by committing suicide. Another is by being born feet first, which will cause you to become a vampire after you die. If you are the seventh son or ...
Leonora and I went bowling two nights ago and I found it the most scariest thing. Bowling has been around for 2,000 years. The Egyptians had a primitive form of it and the Romans played it with knocking objects near each other for points (which is now known as Bocce). The first forma...
We may never know who or what that creepy figure is from Powell County. Let's hope he or she likes to keep their distance, in case it IS something about which folks in that part of Kentucky need to be concerned. Scariest Ghost Town In KY Has A Truly Terrifying Past And Can’t Be ...
Diabetes: Everything I'm reading states that maltodextrin is very similar to sugar and can cause a reaction very similar to ingesting sugar. The thing that is scariest about maltodextrin is the "mystique" surrounding it. There seems to be a huge push by the food industry and even government...
he/she is the person who gives you shitty work, or who decides whether your next project will be actually high-profile, or who complains when you are late in the morning or you leave before your analyst at night, and probably the scariest part of all, who runs your performance evaluation...
Let's not even get started on George V, the consummate Imperial, and owner of what is easily the scariest mustache in royal history. King George V in dress uniform and mustache. Credit: The Print Collector via Getty Images TL;DR: British history is still a bit Georged out. Something...