英文即兴演讲 79/100What do you think about procrastination?(拖延症) 03:00 每日英文演讲 88/100 How do you think the saying "giving is receiving"? 02:29 英文即兴演讲 74/100 You'll never get to your destination if you stop to throw stones 02:19 英文即兴演讲 70/100 there is a pla...
81/100do you think having a pet will bring the benefit in our life? 02:19 英文即兴演讲 80/100reading 100 books or reading one book for 100 times. 02:35 英文即兴演讲 79/100what do you think about procrastination?(拖延症) 03:00 英文即兴演讲 78/100name three things you and your ...
procrastination drain it from you. The less energy you have, the more stressed or even depressed you might have become and the higher the chances of you putting off your responsibilities are.
February 28, 2019.There are great things ahead for many. Find those who are full of love and show the way. They are eager. They just don’t have someone to direct them. You have read that you will do greater works than Jesus. That is a mind full to think and a mouth full to s...
I think the problem is that people think they should be being productive all the time. It’s an American myth. It’s not shared by all the people around the world. If you want my advice…. I’d change my mind about what procrastination is. I’d call it enjoying life, and then the...
This week’s guest post is from group member Anne, a former student of mine. Anne has previously posted on thejerkiness of writer’s blockandusing journalingto get past it. This week she’s talking about procrastination, which is something I’m sure we’re all very, very (very) familiar...
Once Upon a Business: “Truth & Story” in Marketing Once you’re ready to dive into copywriting, we recommend you begin by getting completely clear on who your target customer is and how you can serve them. And if you’re in the early stages of building your online course and struggling...
How to work out your rising sign - or ascendant sign - and what it means. Here is a rising sign calculator to help you figure it all out.
December 11, 2020.Indecision is not your friend. It is too close to procrastination and procrastination is definitely not your friend. You know what to do, but you keep putting it off. You are not sure why you are doing this, but it is not good. This has happened more than once latel...
While running a business may have its ups and downs, the fear of total failure may make some decide not to start at all. Even if the worst-case scenario is something that could be considered “minor,” like a person saying no or ignoring us, we may still feel too fearful to take ...