The Sanskrit word, Bhakti, in Hinduism, comes from the word ‘bhaj’, which means “go to oneself to” or “have recourse to”, “to pray”, or “to worship “. It can also mean fondness, attachment, love, religiosity, piety, spirituality, etc. For instance, we can use the word to...
This is called the Noble Truth of Cessation of dukkha, 这圣谛名为苦灭圣谛, which is Nibbana, more popularly known in its Sanskrit form of Nirvana. 也就是涅槃。巴利文作Nibbana, 但梵文的Nirvana更为人所广知。 To eliminate dukkha completely one has to eliminate the main root of dukkha, whic...
The word ‘Atman’ is a commonly used Sanskrit word. It is used by people, who do not even know Sanskrit, as it is present in almost every Indian language. The widely used meaning of the word ‘Atman’ is soul, albeit in a special meaning specific to Sanatana Dharma, but it is nece...
In the English language, the brain and mind have almost become synonymous, and this is why it can sometimes be so difficult to understand these concepts. That is why I like to turn to the languages of ancient cultures who dedicated themselves to the quest for Truth. For example, Sanskrit h...
But it should not be taken as the first cause, 但却不能将它视为最初因, for there is no first cause possible as, according to Buddhism, everything is relative and inter-dependent. 因为按佛法说,一切都是相对的、相互依存的。 Even this 'thirst', tanha, which is considered as the cause or...
Derived from :The word “Sikh” is derived from the Sanskrit word, Siksati meaning, “to learn”. Followers :The followers of this religion are known as Sikhs. Beliefs :It was founded byGuru Nanakand was followed by ten successive Sikh Gurus ( the eleventh guru being the Holy Scripture ...
Theroot chakrais the first of 7 chakras present at the base of the spine in our subtle body. Being the first and base chakra, the energy of this chakra works like the foundation for all the above chakras. In Sanskrit, the root chakra is known asMuladhara. The term Muladhara comes from...
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root wordYujwhich means to join. “Yujyate anena iti yogah” – which means, “That which joins is Yoga”. Yoga is joining of the individual consciousness (orJivatma) to the Universal Consciousness (Paramatma). ...
‘Prana – The Life‘ in certain major parts of our body constantly spinning to keep us alive and active. The spinning or rotating nature of Prana made these parts of the body, ‘centers of energy‘ also known as Chakras. Theword‘Chakra’ (In Sanskrit Cakra) refers to ‘Wheel’ or ‘...
share Sanskrit wisdom: Rishiis a Sanskrit word which…refers to someone who leads a direct and upright life by not introducing new complications into their life situation. This is a permanent discipline, the ultimate discipline. We simplify life rather than getting involved with new gadgets or fin...