The nature of Dark Matter is still elusive to the ongoing experimental search. We discuss some astrophysical techniques to search for the nature of DM through a multi-frequency analysis of cosmic structures on large scales, from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters.The Identification Of Dark Matter...
An astrophysicist is a scientist who researches the principles of light, motion, and natural forces as they pertain to the universe at large. He or she engages in theoretical physics studies in an attempt to learn more about the underlying properties of the cosmos. Many specialize in studying ...
Anannular solar eclipseoccurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth when it is near its farthest point from Earth. At this distance, the moon appears smaller than the sun and doesn't cover the entire face of the sun. Instead, a ring of light is created around the moon. Apart...
is an integral part of some meteorologists' work. The nature of weather requires meteorologists to be adaptable, as they may need to work irregular hours, including evenings, weekends, and overnight shifts, to monitor and update weather conditions as they unfold. Effective communication skills are...
In 2008, an elaborate crop circle appeared in a barley field in the English countryside, leaving conspiracy theorists abuzz. Eventually, an astrophysicist realized that the circle's complex structure encoded the first ten digits of pi. Scientists have calculated pi to a precision of a hundred tri...
“When it explodes, it will be one of the most extensively observed objects,” says astrophysicist Léa Planquart. An artist’s impression of T Coronae Borealis, which is composed of two stars. The white dwarf star on the left is “vampirizing” the red giant on the right. When the wh...
Plant Cultivation ExpertPlant Specialist Up Next Horticulturist salary The average salary for horticulturists in the United States is around $43,090 per year. Salaries typically start from $24,587 and go up to $75,516. Read about Horticulturist salary...
The northern lights are one of the most mesmerizing natural wonders you can witness firsthand. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Discover everything there is to know about the northern lights, including how they form, ...
Location has some bearing upon how much the anthropologist can expect to make. Both inside and outside of academia, California was the state with the largest number of employed anthropologists. According to the BLS, academic anthropologists earned an average salary of $91,520 in California in 201...
Spectroscopy is the study and measurement of spectra, or the charts or graphs that depict the intensity of light from an astronomical body like a star. Wilenchik also used data from the Hawaii-based Keck Observatory’s spectrometers—available online—and had a professional astrophysicist process ...