‘/usr/bin/’ that are visible only by root user; whereas ‘ls –l /usr/bin/ ::rx’ will list all files there regardless of who’s logged on at any given time. the double colon signifies that everyone has permission to use those particular files. what else is colon used for in ...
A colon (:) is a punctuation mark that separates two distinct parts of a sentence. It also serves as an indicator for how lists and other information should be interpreted, such as in URLs or computer commands. In the world of computers and the web, colons are used to denote specific in...
Here is what I found. The update driver page said that there are no drivers or software to be updated. I trust I have everything updated or could it be that some of my drivers can not be updated because of age. I bought the computer in 2017 or 201...
Scenario 4: The SSH/Telnet Login Password Is Forgotten Method 1: Use an SSH/Telnet Account with Administrator Rights to Log In to the Device and Reset the Password Method 2: Log In to the Device Through the Console Port and Set a New SSH/Telnet Login Password Scenario 5: The BootROM/Bo...
Here is what I found. The update driver page said that there are no drivers or software to be updated. I trust I have everything updated or could it be that some of my drivers can not be updated because of age. I bought the computer in 2017 or 2018 so hopefully ...
On it he has the following config: boot system bootflash:packages.confboot system usbflash0:cat9k_iosxe.17.09.05.SPA.bin!ip dhcp-server dhcp-server dhcp relay information trust-all! What the heck is the "ip dhcp-server x.x.x.x" command? ...
rx: 6.04 Mbit/s 8655 p/s tx: 961.13 Mbit/s 81735 p/s And server load @ 675 clients load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.05 As you can see, RTMP streaming is very efficient. It only requires massive bandwidth. Even with 675 clients, the video was still smooth when viewing it from another ...
What is Ll Motorcycle Steering Head Bearing 32005/26 26X47X15mm Motorbike Bearing, Deep Groove Ball Bearing 6204 6207 32005 manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of Made-in-China.com.
Binning is a term vendors use for categorizing components, including CPUs, GPUs (aka graphics cards) or RAM kits, by quality and performance. While components are designed to achieve a certain performance level, sometimes the final product fails to meet those standards, due to the complexities ...
On it he has the following config: boot system bootflash:packages.confboot system usbflash0:cat9k_iosxe.17.09.05.SPA.bin!ip dhcp-server dhcp-server dhcp relay information trust-all! What the heck is the "ip dhcp-server x.x.x.x" command? I know wh...