Although it lacks a certain originality in the story telling, Torn Hearts is really worth the watch if you like your whiskey neat, your leading ladies bitter, and something pretty to sing along to while the fake blood spurts up the wall. Posted in20's Horror,critique,cult,feminist horror,f...
Understanding The New World Order - The Who, What, How and Why - Waking TimesRockefeller Familyrothschild
family, promising him instead Utopias which are called (appropriately enough) “Anticipations” or “News from Nowhere.” We come back, in fact, to the main feature which has already been mentioned. The past is communal: the future must be individualist. In the past are all the evils of ...
As today is John’s Freezer’s 7th blogoversary, and I was just at the MNHN in Paris snapping photos of their mecca, it’s time for an overdue homage to the magnificent mustard of that maison du morphologie. The exhibits have little signage and are an eclectic mix of specimens, but this...
Recommendations regarding age seem to agree that four years old is a great time for children to start attending theatre. Six months either way is how I have done it depending on the individual child’s ability to sit still. Not such a crisis outdoors but still distracting when littles run ...
It is worth noting here that the pending merger of Glencore International and Xstrata, valued at €40.3bn as this publication goes to print, helped bring M&A value in the energy, mining & utilities space to €56bn in the first quarter – the highest quarterly value on record since 2007. ...
In this collection the focus is on trauma as the impact of what happened to you. As Steve Haines points out in his great little overview Trauma is Really Strange, bodily trauma responses such as mobilising into fight or flight, or going immobile and dissociating, are the same whether we're...
This is the first podcast ive become a supporter of and the back catalog alone is worth it. Keep up the great work!daniel booth, tucson AZ Thanks, Brian, that was most illuminating.John Doherty, Study Room,somewhere in Ireland Hi, Brian, I just want to point out that I've been a fa...
urgent and you don't have time to do things the easy way. There might be a medical crisis, an emotional crisis, or a financial crisis, and an immediate intervention is needed. Sometimes a friend's situation is dire enough that helping him is worth the loss of the personal relationship. ...
20 912 1 Rothschild, Mr. Martin male 55.0 1 0 PC 17603 59.4000 NaN C This is a sample of train and test dataset. Lets find out a bit more about the train and test dataset. print ("The shape of the train data is (row, column):"+ str(train.shape)) print ( print...