We have developed a version of our surface generalized Born (SGB) model that employs a Gaussian surface, as opposed to the van der Waals surface used previously. The Gaussian surface is smooth and its properties are analytically differentiable with respect to the positions of atoms. A significant...
The underlying ecology of their bacterial hosts is likely to have a large role in the evolution of mobile element virulence; if the spatial density of hosts is high, favouring HGT, mobile elements will be selected to increase their horizontal transmission, even at a cost to the host. However...
冠心病、心绞痛5年。3小时前发生心前区剧烈疼痛服用硝酸甘油3片未缓解,急诊入院。心电图检査发现ST段弓背上抬,随后相应导联出现病理性Q波,血压85/55mHg,心率108次/分。律齐。入监护室观察治疗,经用药后疼痛缓解。2小时后心电监测示血压70/50mmHg,心率118次/分。病人烦躁不安,皮肤湿冷,此时最可能发生了 ...
The underlying ecology tion, recognition by CRISPR, and so on (see, for example, of their bacterial hosts is likely to have a large role in the Korona and Levin, 1993; Barrangou et al., 2007; Johnson, evolution of mobile element virulence; if the spatial 2007). It is likely that ...
The Ex Of... Griffin,Cara,Leand,... - SGB 被引量: 6发表: 2007年 Melanin, the Protector albeit by different chemical methods in their bodies.Humans use melanin for a protective role against the sun's UVA/ UVB harmful rays, hence the reason... G Kingham - 《Beekeeping》 被引量: 0...
The CSC concept, although well founded, has had to adapt to complex and partially adverse processes such as the role of EMT or the influence of the microenvironment on cancer stem cells (Medema 2013). The role of glycosylation of stem cells, and especially of stem cell markers, may add a...
2022. Out of the Shadows: The Role of Social Workers in Disasters. St Albans: Critical Publisher. [Google Scholar] Berelowitz, Sue, Jenny Clifton, Carlene Firmin, Sandra Gulyurtlu, and Gareth Edwards. 2013. ‘If Only Someone Had Listened’. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s ...
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What your e-mail address?用高效液相色谱法单标法测定茶饮料中的苋菜红。配置标准溶液浓度为1μg/mL,进样后,测得峰面积为495.6,现将30mL饮料样品经过预处理浓缩为1mL待测液,进样后测得峰面积为853.0,则该茶饮料中苋菜红的原含量为()μg/mL。
Additionally, the key in vivo parameters of the radiopharmaceuticals for TAT like e.g., biological half-life, carrier in vivo stability, uptake in the reticulo-endothelial system (RES), plasma clearance, elimination routes, etc. may play an important role. Dosimetric studies should separately ...