Easter is the anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion. It is held on the first Sunday after March 21 or the full moon. It is a traditional festival in Western Christian countries.复活节是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑死后复活的周年纪念日,在公历3月21日之后或...
John Dominic Crossan's and N T Wright's point of view, as summarized by Robert B Stewart in his 2006 publication "The resurrection of Jesus", is also part of the discussion.doi:10.4102/hts.v62i4.400Schutte, P.J.W.Sabinet OnlineHts Teologiese Studies/theological Studies...
Why do Christians think the resurrection of Jesus is special when others were raised from death? Why is the Resurrection of Jesus unique? This clip was taken from J. Warner Wallace’s interview with Ragnhard Petersen, the general secretary of the student movement in th...
Holy Saturday is a day of quiet reflection, as we remember Jesus’ time in the tomb and anticipate the joy of what’s to come. Finally, Easter Sunday bursts forth with celebration—Jesus is alive! His resurrection offers us hope, new life, and the promise of eternity with Him. ...
37K The Gospels' depiction of the life of Christ altered history. Learn about the New Testament miracles, the Son of God and His miracles, the plot against Jesus Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection, and His ascension. Related to this QuestionWhat...
What are the teachings found in the New Testament that relate to the resurrection of Jesus,? Why are the theological teachings of the resurrection necessary and what is the portrayal that they Bible illustrates of a believer's death? Also, how will the resurrection effect the earth and how ...
The religion of Islam is not named after a person or people, nor was it decided by a later generation of man, as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ (p), Buddhism after Gautama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, Marxism after Karl Marx, Judaism after the ...
Jesus, who is the Resurrection, lives within us through the born-again New Creation. Even when our bodies die, we will be resurrected in new bodies like Jesus had (1 Corinthians 15:49). Even Death itself can’t kill the Resurrection, and we are able to say now and later, along with...
3. Repentance is required for salvation Noting that John the Baptist often called Jewish people to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, some evangelists today also call people to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus and be baptized in order to receive eternal life. Some go ...
The sacraments of the Catholic Church originated from Christ and his teachings. Baptism is the new member of the Church participating in Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice when he died for our sins and made it possible to be saved by Christ. It acts as the gateway to the other sacraments. Through ...