According to the Torah,Shabbat commemorates the day that God rested from creating the world; the word Shabbat literally means “he rested.” Exodus 34:21 states: “Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest.” Shabbat is considered a day of peace and holiness. What d...
What does 'Shabbat shalom' mean? Judaism: Every Friday night, Jewish households prepare to celebrate the Sabbath. The ritual is marked at the beginning by the lighting of two candles by the woman of the house and special prayers at the synagogue. The evening and following day are marked by...
But no matter the source of their confusion, their response is clear: We need a god we can see and touch and bow down to, in order to move forward. And Aaron, left in charge of what is fast becoming an unruly mob, quickly complies. He collects gold from the Israelites, casts it in...
The Arab response to the vacuum of power left from the weakness in the Ottoman regime, resulted in power struggles – and both rising Arab nationalism and religious extremism left Jewish blood flowing down city streets. All this upheaval started occurring long before modern Zionism entered the equa...
Parade through my house – it’s a short cut to town. Check a phone. Suck down a slice. Hop a fence, hit 7-Eleven and head to the local park. It’s Friday at three; otherwise known as Eighth Grade Happy Hour. Happy Hour at the park is this group’s time to shoot hoops, test...
functional democracy in the Middle East. If you care about the vulnerable — safeguard the sole sanctuary for Jewish refugees in need. If you value Jewish Peoplehood, hear the cries of the other half of our Jewish family and remember: the destiny of Am Yisrael is boun...
Pritzker has endorsed Harris and, on Monday, in response to media speculation that he “would be running for something,”tweeted a reference to a popular meme among Harris supporters: “You think I just fell out of a coconut tree?”
High Ground Annual Meaningful Conversations,“Violence and the Response of People of Faith.” with Rev. Joanna Adams, Imam Plemon El-Amin, the Rev. Joseph Roberts and Rabbi Alvin Sugarman. Thurs., April 25, 6:30 p.m. St. Luke’s. RSVP ...