"Reef-safe" Sun Protection Tips The ambiguity around terms like "reef-safe" and "reef-friendly," make it difficult to know what actions to take and which sunscreen to wear, even when a label touts reef safety. Here's what we recommend when considering the impact on coral reefs: ...
Without these attractions, economists estimate that coastal-tourism would drop by more than 9%, which is equivalent to about $36 billion. These reefs also provide protection to the tourist-reliant coastlines. They act as natural barriers, canceling out 97% of a wave’s strength and protecting m...
However, many do point out that sunscreen isn’t the only solution. Using shade, protective clothing, and other barrier approaches to skin protection, especially in beach environments, is also useful, and can cut down on sunscreen use. Rashguards with UV protection in the fabric, for example...
A coral reef is a term used to describe the collective structure of hard corals that help shape a coral reef ecosystem. “A coral reef is a reef whose main structure is made by living organisms, in this case corals,” said Torres-Pérez. “A coral reef will always be a reef, but not...
Best Sun Protection Products that Act as A Deep Conditioner Drybar Hot Toddy Heat Protector Frizz Fighterhas some actives you cannot ignore! Take this product with you to the beach or into the backpack to reapply during a long day in the sun. The actives in the formula will provide additiona...
So what is the real speed limit on the Garden State Parkway? What is too fast? What is the speed when NJ State Troopers begin pulling you over? Have you been passed by a person who thinks they are on the autobahn? Post your comments below 👇🏻Canva...
A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate.
The functioning of the Endangered Species Act has been less effective than expected because remedial action is not triggered until populations are in serious trouble and because of the inadequacies of a species-by-species approach. These problems have stimulated interest in expanding the Act to prote...
You have the Northern Blue Whale, the Southern Blue Whale, and the Pygmy Whale. The blue whale population is going down because people are hunting them. These humans have been hunting these whales for over 100 years now. The Blue Whales are now in a legal protection and the last whale ...
When Ralph finds the conch shell in the coral reef bordering the island, Piggy identifies it and explains to Ralph how to use it. When Ralph examines the item at first he does not know what it is, he has no idea how to use it, or if he can use it to his benefit. Piggy then te...