The mechanism is not well understood. However, there has been" recently. With regard to the redshift of CMB, I recall reading there are some skeptics that question the accuracy of the distance/speed of the CMB calculated from the red...
结构形成的N体模拟里使用冷暗物质模型得到的大尺度结构与大尺度巡天观测的图像更加接近; 还有一些来自诸如原初核合成、宇宙微波背景辐射、重子声学振荡(baryon acoustic oscillation)、拉曼阿尔法(Lyman-alpha)射线观测、红移空间畸变(redshift-space distortions)、Ia型超新星距离红移测量等观测限制都与假定了暗物质的宇宙学...
Neutrino constraints: what large-scale structure and CMB data are telling us? We discuss the reliability of neutrino mass constraints, either active or sterile, from the combination of different low redshift Universe probes with meas... M Costanzi,B Sartoris,M Viel,... - 《Journal of Cosmolog...
结构形成的N体模拟里使用冷暗物质模型得到的大尺度结构与大尺度巡天观测的图像更加接近; 还有一些来自诸如原初核合成、宇宙微波背景辐射、重子声学振荡(baryon acoustic oscillation)、拉曼阿尔法(Lyman-alpha)射线观测、红移空间畸变(redshift-space distortions)、Ia型超新星距离红移测量等观测限制都与假定了暗物质的宇宙学...
tenth the usual rate. The oldest light we can see is the cosmic microwave background, which has been traveling for 13 billion years and redshifted by a factor of 1100. We can’t see any farther with light; the CMB is like the blue of the sky, completely overwhelming the sky behind...
Cosmological data still allow for the presence of a non-negligible amount of dark energy at very high redshifts, namely during the matter- and radiation-dominated epochs. This is the so-called early dark energy (EDE), which could help to mitigate the tensions that affect the standard model ...
The dominating form of energy in the cosmos dark energy is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, but its nature remains a mystery.
The dominating form of energy in the cosmos dark energy is driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, but its nature remains a mystery.
The earliest indications of the Big Bang occurred as a result of deep-space observations conducted in the early 20th century. In 1912, American astronomer Vesto Slipher conducted a series of observations of spiral galaxies (which were believed to be nebulae) and measured their Doppler Redshift. ...
4. Predict an expanding universe and provide an acceptable fit to measurements of the distance-redshift relationship. This constrains the homogeneous cosmological solution of the alternative theory [c.f., 19]. 5. Provide a satisfactory fit to measurements of both the CMB fluct...