im terribly sorry the im through with it im tired of being on im trying to move on im trying to remember im usually just using im waiting for anothe im waiting for the mo im walking down the l im wang lin from guan im way behind in hist im with you avril lav im your mother im...
At some point we gathered around a firepit behind the house and had one of those ceremonies where everyone writes on a piece of paper something they want to let go of from the past year and then one by one, say a few words, and toss that burden into the fire. When it was my tur...
Al-Atareb is seen as an important conquest to many because it is in a highly strategic area, both from the logistic and economic point of view, because here one finds the main route of connection between Aleppo and the Bab Al Hawa pass (the only official border crossing with Turkey). Th...
The motivations behind cyberattacks vary. The most common category of cyberattacks is nation-state attacks This type of attack is launched by cybercriminals representing a nation (usually Russia). Nation-state attackers usually target critical infrastructures because they have the greatest negative impact...
Terror, terrorist, terrorism, is in fact, insufficient or untruthful information given to the one referred to as the attacker or terrorist, in order to create a rage that pushes that person beyond all reason. Newton's third law states that forces occur in pairs. One is called the action ...
we once again present the link where Shaikh Abu Khadeejah, may Allah preserve him, eloquently and unequivocally demonstrates that terrorism can never be aligned with Islam, despite Irfan’s persistent slander. Following this, we will outline the motivations behind the actions of...
What You Leave Behind (novel). In this last adventure, the Federation Alliance prepares a final invasion of Cardassia. Meanwhile on Bajor, Kai Winn releases the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves which threatens the safety of not only Bajor, but the entire Alpha Quadrant. (Part 9 of 9) (...
“blind the audience” with an overwhelming assortment of random notions dressed up as facts; use the topic of terrorism as the key theme of the war and play down the humanitarian situation; name drop and accuse without presenting evidence or a right of reply to the accused; filter any ...
There are concerns among financial intelligence units that remittances are one of the ways in which money can be laundered or violent activities like terrorism can be sponsored. The methodology countries use to record the amount of money people receive via remittances is rarely made public. While ...
have been destroyed”. But here equality means “having the same skills”, or “being similar”. Equality is not to be confused with Justice, which is the foundation of conceptions of the-living-together in the older order. Ironically, today justice is conceived as a stripped down version ...