Such a sorting algorithm is known as “Bubble sort.” An object is said to be the tallest if it has the biggest height in comparison to other objects and an object is said to be the shortest if it has the smallest height in comparison to other objects. An example of sorting by heigh...
The range – which is the difference between the smallest value and highest value Mean maths examples Visualising mean Mean is often taught and explained through abstract methods as soon as students in Year 6 are capable of manipulating the required numbers needed to find the mean or average amou...
The derivative of a function is the measure of the rate of change of a function. It gives an explanation of the function at a specific point. The integral is the measure of the area under the curve of the function. It accumulates the discrete values of a function over a range of ...
Home»Math Vocabulary» Counterclockwise – Definition With Examples To help children master the knowledge about directions, we need to start early. Understanding movements is essential for young learners to grasp the workings of a clock and subsequently tell the time. Things like the movement of...
Adding integers is a fundamental operation in mathematics, and it’s essential for solving a wide range of problems. The rules for adding integers depend largely on their signs—whether they are positive, negative, or a combination of both. Let’s break down the rules and give examples to ma...
Learn what a 'product' in maths is, including its meaning and definition, and learn how to find the product of two numbers!
Definition of Numbers An arithmetic value that is expressed using a word, a symbol or a figure that represents a quantity is called a number. Numbers are used in counting and calculations. Introduction to Numbers Numbers form the basis of mathematics. We should befriend numbers in order to unde...
In planar geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Types of Angle Acute Angle– An Acute angle (or Sharp angle) is an angle smaller than a right angle ie. it can range between 0 ...
Until such observations could be repeated in the range of some accuracy there is no need in change of the derived law. But the history of science shows that physical laws are changing time to time. Indeed there are some theories that are deduced from phenomena and physical prope...
Sine function is a trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of perpendicular and hypotenuse of a right triangle. Learn sine function definition, formula, properties, values for different angles, at BYJU'S.