The False Claims Act contains qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions. Qui tam is a unique mechanism in the law that allows citizens with evidence of fraud against government contracts and programs to sue, on behalf of the government, in order to recover the stolen funds. In compensation for ...
A whistleblower, who is often an employee or insider, takes significant personal risks to bring unethical and illegal activities to light. A qui tam attorney provides the legal expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of qui tam lawsuits. These attorneys help whistleblowers build...
The FCA imposes liability on any person who "knowingly presents...a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval" to the federal government (False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. 搂3729, (a) (1), 2000). The qui tam provision of the Act allows employees, patients, contractors, or ...
but Billy Graham, who was likely what is known as a “short-robed Jesuit”- leading wayward Protestants back to Rome via Ecumenism, helped Reagan create the first post of Ambassador to the Holy See, something for which Truman got his ass handed to him. Owing...
The number and code are printed on the bottom of the can, which is silver and has a green and white label. The countertop coating contains lead levels in excess of the federal lead paint standard. Lead is a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and ...
Kathleen McDermott
Retaliation for whistleblowing to the SEC is also proscribed by the whistleblower protection provision ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“SOX”). The remedies are similar to those under Dodd-Frank, but SOX also includes special damages, such as emotional distress, impairment of reputation, and other non...
Prosecutorial Indiscretion: Encouraging the Department of Justice to Rein in Out of Control Qui Tam Litigation Under the Civil False Claims Act a qui tam statute that is the government's primary litigation tool for combating fraud, influence the Department of Justice's (DOJ) prosecution of fraud....
PUBLIC REGULATION OF PRIVATE ENFORCEMENT: EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF DOJ OVERSIGHT OF QUI TAM LITIGATION UNDER THE FALSE CLAIMS ACT. In recent years, a growing chorus of commentators has called on Congress to vest agencies with litigation "gatekeeper" authority across a range of regulato... Freeman,Eng...
and scepticism isaproblem in epistemology,indeedaproblem for itsvery pos-sibility.Since Descartes,the sceptic is alsoproneto raise radical,hyperbolic doubtslike demon deceivers or brains-in-a-vatthat challengeordinary beliefs or commonknowledge like the existenceofanexternal world or the existenceofothe...