All this is related to the educational role of geotourism, which should not only focus on geoattractions as such, but first and foremost explain the processes that led to their creation and the human impact on these processes.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an ...
Palombo MR: What could Caenozoic and Quaternary terrestrial mammals from Sardinia tell us about the paleogeography of the western Mediterranean? In: Geological Society of America, 56th Annual Meeting; Boise, May 3-5, 2004. Geol Soc America 2004 36, 82....
The economic valuation of ecosystem services, i.e., their assessment in monetary terms, can help to give those ecosystem services equal consideration in policy processes, whose value is usually not considered in markets, and, as a consequence, are often not given adequate attention and equal cons...
For example, factors in the quaternary economic sector, like government, research, and advancements in education, influence the sourcing of raw materials. Demand generated in the tertiary sector, and advancements in processing techniques created by the secondary economic sector, influence resource mining...
There is no three page job description to write and that other Manufacturers in the private sector already have success that you can use as a model? All you have to do is give a shit to make this work. Need a business case for the doubters? What if you learned that 11.9% of the ...
A review on Quaternary tectonic and nontectonic faults in the central sector of the Iberian Chain, NE Spain/Fallas cuaternarias tectonicas y gravitacionales en el sector central de la Cordillera Iberica, NE de Espana WebDialogs sells its solutions and technology platform directly as well as thro...
Generally, the dumped substrate can be classified as loose sedimentary material deriving from Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Mining companies are legally obliged according to state regulations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg to dump the most fertile substrates to the surface of the post-...
At the end of MIS 2, prior to the deposition of the laminated deposits, pleni-oceanic influence characterized by high concentrations of Quaternary dinocysts prevailed, and a dinocyst species tracing the penetration of the warm North Atlantic Drift into the Bay of Biscay is recorded. However, ...