During the centuries after Patrick's death that is believed to be on March 17,461, the story of his life became popular in the Irish culture.(帕特里克出生在罗马时代的不列颠,16岁时被 带到爱尔兰。人们认为他把基督教传播给人民。帕特里克被认为是在461年3月17日去世的,在他死后的 几个世纪里,关于...
I don't watch much television but I do have Facebook going on all day--often when I am work--even though I still distrust the often-shallow and culturally illiterate Wild West Show that is the Internet. I've never been an early adopter of anything digital except to get work done when...
What is the purpose of Flag Day? What is a Confederate government? What do the stars on the American flag represent? What is the name of the U.S. flag? What is the Lost Cause of the Confederacy? What is the history of the Canadian flag?
What was the goal of the Red Army? What is a military tribunal? What was the American Federation of Labor? What side was the Confederacy? What advantages did the Union have over the Confederacy? What was the purpose of the Union Blockade?
Charli XCX‘s music video performance ofYou’re The Oneis obviously a love song from the perspective of a woman finally realizing she’s found “the one” (i.e., the love of her life). But I would like to indulge your creativity to interpret the lyrics (reflected below) a bit differe...
And if the whole thing is an "Agreement", with language showing that the parties intend to be bound, maybe you don't even need that? Either would save trees, ink and space, and would get the idea of contract across, and out of the way. And either would help diminish the image of ...
O (n.) Something shaped like the letter O; a circle or oval. O (n.) A cipher; zero. O' () A prefix to Irish family names, which signifies grandson or descendant of, and is a character of dignity; as, O'Neil, O'Carrol. O' (prep.) A shortened form of of or on. O (a....
Nemain, Irish goddess of the frenzied havoc of war; member of the Morrígan Jiutian Xuannü, goddess of war, sexuality, and longevity Baduhenna, a western-Frisii goddess of warfare (Germanic) Bast, cat-headed goddess associated with war, protection of Lower Egypt and the pharaoh ...
Army in 1861, near the beginning of the Civil War. Its purpose was to protect the military road from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort Kearney, Nebraska Territory Seneca Nation –The Seneca are an Iroquoian-speaking tribe historically living south of Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes of ...
So it is good to remember that the purpose of crisis work is not to live well, but to care enough so that others might live at all. Finally, the young woman who suffered the trauma of hearing a man shoot himself to death carried on. We supported her, counseled her, and wrapped our...