Huge numbers of these microbes began producing food by photosynthesis, which, of course, also freed up enormous amounts of oxygen. And lots of that oxygen interacted with the atoms of existing minerals, creating rust out of iron, for instance, … reacting with a whole range of different metal...
Huge numbers of these microbes began producing food by photosynthesis, which of course also freed up enormous amounts of oxygen and lots of that oxygen interacted with the atoms of existing minerals, creating rust out of iron for instance, reacting with a whole range of different metals to crea...
What is the purpose of the cellular respiration lab? A cellular respiration lab investigation is designed to see which conditions promote the greatest change in respiration. For example, germinating peas do cellular respiration faster than non-germinating peas because they need energy for growth. How...
What is its purpose? What are the limitation of bioremediation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of bio-remediation? What are some benefits of composting? Explain natural bioremediation. What is natural bioremediation? Give some examples. What is leaching? What are the practical goals of ...
Photosynthesis: The Biochemistry Behind How Plants Make Their Food What Is Cell Theory? Cell theory is the most fundamental principle in biology, one stating that all living organisms are composed of similar primary units called cells. It is a universally accepted theory about the organization and ...
Also known as DIY biology, biohacking is not necessarily based on science. Some biohacks are supported by scientific evidence, but others can be either ineffective or harmful. The purpose of biohacking is twofold: curing diseases and coming as close to immortality as possible, and elevating the...
The term biomimetics only entered the Websters Dictionary in 1974 and is defined as "the study of the formation, structure, or function of biologically produced substances and materials (as enzymes or silk) and biological mechanisms and processes (as protein synthesis or photosynthesis) especially ...
Biology as a study has been defined by various scholars in different ways. Define the term biology in your own words. Define totipotent. In the context of Biology, define or describe the following term: Stress. What does "bio" mean?
“The size and shape of the alien would be determined by gravity, ambient density, and source of energy. Plant-like aliens are unlikely because photosynthesis doesn’t encourage complex survival strategies. The need to chase food favors mobile life. If such life evolved in a thick a...
The global imbalance between the process that creates organic carbon — photosynthesis — and the processes that oxidize organic carbon — combustion and cellular respiration — is the primary cause of global climate change. Findings from separate learning progressions on matter and energy Learning ...