The sole purpose of the adult crane fly isto mate and, for the females, to lay eggs for next spring's crop of flies. Crane flies are harmless to handle, so the next time one makes its way indoors, simply cup it gently to release outdoors. Think of it as a romantic gesture. Are c...
A hatch of mayflies Door A similar part on a piece of furniture or a vehicle. Hatch (of an egg) open and produce a young animal Eggs need to be put in a warm place to hatch Door A doorway. Hatch Conspire to devise (a plot or plan) The little plot that you and Sylvia hatched ...
Crane flies belong to theOrder Diptera, which includes mosquitoes, midges, and other two-winged insects. Diptera is derived from the Greek words “di,” meaning two, and “ptera,” meaning wings. Dipterans have a single pair of wings used for flying, along with a pair of specialized hindw...
Unlike oxen or bulls, steers have a rather macabre purpose when one considers that they are usually less than two years old when they are killed. Bulls breed for some of their lives. They may or may not be slaughtered. Oxen are working animals like horses, and they are certainly not used...
, the biggest disparity in their morphology comes from the structures on their heads. The rhino beetle is named for the large horns that many species possess, and they’re used by males to fight off other males. Stag beetles have enlarged mandibles that they use for the same purpose....
“If our need for status is fundamental, this discomfort we feel about admitting it may seem surprising. But we tend to believe the brain’s heroic story, not the subconscious realpolitik of the game. To admit to being motivated by improving our rank risks making others think less of us,...