why and how it is done. Praying at the start of the day may be referred to as morning prayer, in the afternoon as afternoon prayer, and evening prayer.These categories may also include the purpose of the prayer, such as deliverance prayer. ...
God is a Spirit Quest. 4. WHAT is God? A. God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. Q. 1. Can the nature of God be defined, so as men may express properly and strictly what God is? A. No; ...
What is biblical fasting? Fasting is intentionally reducing or eliminating something for a certain timeframe for the purpose of obeying God and focusing on Him. The Bible instructs us to fast. Jesus did it and also told us to. What kind of sugar should we avoid? In the book “The 40...
So understanding that a novena is a prayer of fasting and of mourningfor intercession over a period of nine days, one can begin to seethe spiritual benefit of this practice come to light.Keep in mind, any holy soul, not just Jesus and Mary,whether in Purgatory or in Heaven may be fit...
Obviously He hates evil and if a person or nation has become totally evil, He must hate them because He is holy. Jacob was favored but Esau was rejected. Why? Did the Lord see into Esau's heart even as a child and reject him on the basis that he would reject the Lord and his ...
To the New York Times’s credit, they asked them. And this is what they found (from the beginning of the article, entitled “New Poll Finds Growing Unease on Health Plan”): President Obama’s ability to shape the debate on health care appears to be erod
Of all his wondrous works, grace, in my estimation, is the magnum opus." (Max Lucado) "The five means of grace are prayer, searching the Scriptures, the Lord's Supper, fasting, and Christian [fellowship]." (Elaine A. Heath) The Importance of Grace Grace is most needed and best ...
Random Quote A deranged person is supposed to have the strength of ten men.I have the strength of one small boy… with polio. — Kleinman, Woody Allen Next quote »Categories Health, Fitness & Nutrition Music Random Blather Religiosity and Philosophizing ...
Another passage in Acts makes this connection even stronger. When Saul of Tarsus was praying and fasting, after seeing the vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus, he was told "And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lor...
While gluttony may seem to be a more trivial transgression than the others grouped in the “Seven Deadly Sins,” there is a reason this sin makes the list. With the alarming rate of modern obesity we see today, perhaps many have forgotten or forsaken the warnings against gluttony and its ...