What is DNS Hijacking DNS hijacking refers to hijacking the DNS server, obtaining control of the resolution record of a domain name by some means, and then modifying the resolution result of the domain name, resulting in the transfer of the access to the domain name from the original IP addr...
In the earlier days of networking, the /etc/hosts file was used to translate the IP addressed ( to human-readable form (www.google.com) and over time it lost its relevance. In modern systems, the whole process of resolving domain names is done through DNS (Domain Name System)....
In computer science, the internet protocol (IP) provides for a number of methods for computers to connect to each other. As such, it is the basis for billions of devices sending and receiving information.Answer and Explanation: The purpose of an internet protocol address (IP address) is to...
What is an FTP server? What is wireless network connection? What is OpenStack architecture? What is a workstation in networking? What is DNS? Why did the Internet need the IP protocol? What is SSL? What is a firewall? What does http do?
By registering, you agree to theTerms of Useand acknowledge the data practices outlined in thePrivacy Policy. You may unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time. What Is Encryption? Definition, Applications, and Examples Networks February 26, 2025 ...
Secure access service edge (SASE)converges networking and security functionality into a single, cloud-native service. Integrated software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) functionality optimally routes traffic over the corporate WAN, and each SASE point of presence (PoP) includes a range of security solutions to...
The Purpose of a DNS Cache The internet relies on the Domain Name System to maintain an index of all public websites and their correspondingIP addresses. You can think of it as a phone book. With a phone book, we don't have to memorize everyone's phone number, which is the only way...
DNS structure The domain name is usually contained in a URL. A domain name is made of multiple parts, calledlabels. The domain hierarchy is read from right to left with each section denoting a subdivision. The TLD appears after the period in the domain name. Examples of top-level domains ...
This is a complete overview of open ports. Learn why open ports can be dangerous and how to detect them in this in-depth post.
This provides you with an efficient, secure, and easy-to-manage networking solution.Notes: 1. Adding a Guest Network Pro also creates a new VLAN network. 2. Guest Network Pro is supported on WiFi 7 ROG series models and select WiFi 6 models. ...