Naturally, like with soup, when you have a good recipe you share it. So here is a list with some of the most usefulbashaliases and functions. Note thatmost usefulis loosely defined, and of course the usefulness of an alias is dependent on your everyday usage of the shell. Before you ...
files. The reason for the existence of this directory is explained in detail in the python documentation. It was introduced in python 3.2 to solve problems that arose when maintaining files in the same directory, which caused issues when running a program ...
Bash is also a scripting language, which means users can create ascriptthat contains multiple Bash commands to be executed in a specific sequence. These are the same commands users enter manually in the terminal.Bash scriptsautomate repetitive tasks, streamline complex operations, and create new too...
What is Perl used for? What is Perl? On the class server, use this command to set up an alias: alias ghist='history | grep' Once it's set, use it with various commands that you know, like: ghist cd What kind of output do you get when ...
Use the Bash null command as a True alias for an infinite loop Use the Bash null command as a Block Comment Use the Bash null command for Debugging and Logging Use the Bash null command to assign a variable if not already set Use the Bash null command to ensure a script argument is se...
> >the .profile and the .bashrc files. I understand > that > >there is a global one of each, and then there is a > >user one of each. > > > >What I don't understand is the purpose of the > .bashrc > >file. My documentation says it's for alias' and ...
I see environment variables similar to "BASH_FUNC_somename%%", what are they and what are they for?Raw > env | grep '%%' BASH_FUNC_which%%=() { ( alias; BASH_FUNC_module%%=() { _module_raw "$@" 2>&1 ... Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ...
This book is for anyone who is responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS). The book covers a broad range of Solaris system administration topics such as managing user accounts, diskless clients, bo
>user one of each. > >What I don't understand is the purpose of the .bashrc >file. My documentation says it's for alias' and for >"functions". What is a function?? I suspect this is >getting into shell scripting... > O'Reilly's "Learning the bash Shell" by Cameron Newham and...
Having a distributed architecture, Git is an example of a DVCS (hence Distributed Version Control System). Rather than have only one single place for the full version history of the software as is common in once-popular version control systems like CVS or Subversion (also known as SVN), in...