How The Creature Is Born:Throughout thefolkloreof the strigoi, there are many ways to become this vampiric being. One prominent way is by committing suicide. Another is by being born feet first, which will cause you to become a vampire after you die. If you are the seventh son or the ...
However, I have not returned to verify my solution or claim the treasure, so it may still be out there for those of you more intrepid than I. Just remember, the rule is to leave a new treasure behind! SPOILER WARNING In late September, fellow puzzler Bud contacted me, telling me of...
Living at the dead-center of each of these stories, shapeshifting from year to year, but always threatening violence is the outsized figure of the monster. As Danielle Sered (2019) has put it, “At the heart of [the narrative that secured the rise of mass incarceration] is the story of...