But media is different. Even if you watch BBC1 every single day, you might find yourself experiencing anything from sport to drama to horror. The Guardian covers everything from the climate crisis to sexual dysfunction. Twitter will drive stories on Black Lives Matter, murder and Taylor Swift....
As nouns the difference between switch and convert is that switch is a device to turn electric current on]] and [[turn off|off or direct its flow while convert is...
As nouns the difference between center and epicenter is that center is centre / center while epicenter is...
somewhere that needs cleaning up, a place associated with disreputable activities or dangerous substances. When this term is used in processes of urban development—along with words like “brownfield” or “edgelands”—there is rarely much attempt to confirm the evidence for such places’ “...
As an adjectivecenter is of, at, or related to a center. As an acronymCOREis congress of Racial Equality. As a proper nounCoreis the birth name of Persephone/Proserpina, the queen of the Underworld/Hades, and goddess of the seasons and of vegetation. She is the daughter of Zeus and De...