Care guide for ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography). Includes: possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, or ERCP, is a medical procedure used in the diagnosis and treatment of problems which involve the tubes, or ducts, that lead out of the pancreas and gall bladder. An ERCP with sphincterotomy involves making a bigger opening in one of the ducts,...
女,73岁。突发腹痛伴寒战、高热5天,巩膜黄染2天。查体:T 39.1℃,P 104次/分,R 22次/分, BP 100/72mmHg。上腹肌紧张,压痛、反跳痛(+),肝脾未触及,肠鸣音2~3次/分。血WBC 16×109/L,N 0.79,ALT 60U/L,AST 55U/L,TBIL 69umol/L, DBIL 61umol/L,血、尿淀粉酶在正常范围。为...
As ERCP has evolved from a diagnostic to a therapeutic procedure, technical demands have risen. Furthermore, it is an invasive procedure that can be potentially harmful when administered improperly. Quality of ERCP and procedural outcome are dependent on various factors that are related to the ...
Nurses also prepare the patient for the procedure. They lead them to the procedure room and put them into the correct position, which depends on the type of endoscopy being conducted. During the procedure, the nurse is responsible for monitoring the patient’s condition. At the end, she label...
In the rendezvous technique for EUS-BD, a temporary fistula at the stomach or the bulb is created followed by placement of a guidewire through the biliary duct and the ampulla into the duodenum; then, ERCP is reperformed using the EUS-guided placed wire. The Role of EUS-BD in the Manage...
Is a HIDA scan and MRI? a HIDA scan (uses radioactive material)can measure gallbladder emptyingwhile an ERCP test uses an endoscope to place dye in the ducts of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver, and. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sometimes used to detail the organ structures (liv...
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure used to find stones, tumors, or narrowed bile ducts. A long tube with a camera on the end is passed down your throat and into your stomach and abdomen. ERCP may also be used to open ducts blocked by pancreatic duct stones...
A perforated bowel is a medical emergency in which a hole in the bowel opens to allow its contents to empty into the rest of the abdominal cavity. The result is frequently sepsis or blood infection, which if not treated can cause almost immediate death. A perforated bowel can occur as the...
ERCP or EUS for tissue diagnosis of biliary strictures? A prospective comparative study. when a tissue diagnosis is required, to start with ERCP if biliary malignancy is suspected and with EUS when a pancreatic tumor is thought to be the ... T Rösch,K Hofrichter,E Frimberger,... - 《...