1. awareness of facts If you know that something is true, you are aware that it is true. The past tense of know is knew. The -ed participle is known. I knew that she had recently graduated from law school. I should have known that something was seriously wrong. Be Careful!Don't us...
The past tense and -ed participle of bring is brought. My secretary brought my mail to the house. I've brought you a present. If you ask someone to bring you something, you are asking them to carry or move it to the place where you are. Can you bring me some water? 2. 'take'...
’ the participle ебаный [yobany] being a passive one, translating it that way is incorrect. In this context, “ебаный” has a purely emphatic sense, precisely like English “fucking,” and “your fucking spy” is the correct...
1. to perform or complete (a deed or action): to do a portrait; the work is done. 2. (often: intr; foll by for) to serve the needs of; be suitable for (a person, situation, etc); suffice: there isn't much food, but it'll do for the two of us. 3. (tr) to arrange...