Related to biography:Biography of Mahatma Gandhi AcronymDefinition BBig BBit BBillion BByte BAbove Average grade BReverse Side, Record BBack(chat) BBlack BBusiness BBook BBlue BButt(welded joint type) BBad(worst CD condition) BBase(transistor; electronics) ...
Confidant: This type of character is the best friend or sidekick of the protagonist, the Sancho Panza to their Don Quixote. Often the protagonist's goal flows through the confidant—although not every story needs one. A particularly famous confidant is Horatio in Shakespeare's Hamlet, as is He...
Hello! This is Jessev from the Directory Services team with some advice on how to deal with an annoyance created by the print spooler service. We, on the Direcory Service team, tend to see this issue...
There were a number of points where I was frustrated during my in-store experience, however. Some of it is first weekend lack of experience with the Apple internal process on the part of the staff, despite being good mannered the entire time. There were questions about whether the unit coul...
Originally, anecdote referred to unpublished writings (as of history or biography); the usual preferred plural form was anecdota, as found in the Greek from which the word is borrowed. The Greek word was formed by combining the negative prefix a- to the verb ekdidonai ("to publish"). ...
Biography:This Much is Trueby Miriam Margolyes Travel Writing:Blue Highways: A Journey into Americaby William Least Heat-Moon Philosophical:The Alignment Problem: How Can Machines Learn Human Values?By Brian Christian Self-Help:Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?By Dr. Julie Smith ...
"The group has been deleted.","groupHubCreated.title":"Group Created","groupHubCreated.message":"{groupHubName} is ready to use","accountClosed.title":"Account Closed","accountClosed.message":"The account has been closed and you will now be redirected to the h...
of communication play a nuanced role in the word “gevoelsmatig”, however in English, if you use “instinct” or “intuition”, the main etymological clue is the prefix “in”, which points internally without much of a clue about which channel of communication may be involved. Additionally,...
The tension reminds me of the story of a young William Henry Fox Talbot. As legend has it, Talbot was on his honeymoon at Lake Como, in Italy in 1833, when he became frustrated with a camera lucida he was trying to use to draw the landsca...
a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born, on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this stage of the business at all events, the item of mortality whose name is prefixed to the head of this...