[02:49.08]and for the American public to understand a little better [02:53.32]the long history of Latinos in the U.S." [02:57.08]Lammers said the four-week period [02:59.92]is about honoring the way Hispanic populations [03:03.24]...
Assuming crime has been reduced by as much as the government claims, the question is how. For the last two and a half years, Bukele has been ruling under a “state of exception,” essentially an emergency decree that suspends many constitutional and civil rights and allows massive, arbitrary...
occupation of Nicaragua was part of the “Banana Wars,” a period of various military interventions, massacres, and actions by the U.S. throughout the Caribbean and Central America following the Spanish-American War’s 1898 conclusion and the 1934 establishment of the Good Neighbor Policy. U....
David Lloyd George Noakes (1942–2020) is best known for his insatiable curiosity, his quick wit and dry sense of humor, his scientific contributions to the field of animal behaviour, and his ability to form and maintain long-lasting connections. His research interests were vast but remained gr...
equivalent to the modern-dayBuc-ee’smega gas station and convenience store. The problem of course being that in order to be a good rest stop one should be in an area where people are actually traveling to. The modern-day population of the islands is 4. So still not a hot destination...
Intelligence agencies such as the CIA, MI6 or Soviet-era KGB have spawned spy thrillers, movies and media intrigue for decades. The intrepid 007 is known worldwide for his particular brand of information-gathering. Market intelligence tends to be seen as a little less exciting though. For ...
2020.8The U.S. also participates in theCentral American Free Trade Area-Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR), which includes the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala.9Individual agreements are in place between the U.S. and Australia, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia,...
colonial rule had ended. For example, U.S. PresidentRonald Reaganwas criticized for practicing neocolonialism in the 1986Iran-Contra affairinvolving the illegal sale of U.S. arms to Iran to secretly fund the Contras, a group of rebels fighting to overthrow the Marxist government ofNicaragua. ...
It is the norm for centers of power to be on the earth’s power points. There is a reason for this. My house was relatively close to Great Falls, Maryland. Access to the falls themselves, at least when I was young, was cut off after Hurricane Agnes went through in 1972. There was...
uncertainty. They must govern in a state ofsustained ignorance: they do not know what exactly is going on, what will happen next, what the drivers of the events are, how others in the system are experiencing and coping with the crisis, what the impact will be of the options laid out ...