This is essentially what the Poka-Yoke technique is all about: it’s a straightforward but powerful concept that’s all about stopping problems before they arise. Read on to discover where it came from, why it’s useful – and how to do it yourself. Where did Poka-Yoke come from? Poka...
Idiot-proof would be a more accurate term that is in the spirit of what the Japanese Poka-Yoke means, but not in a mean way. What I mean is that no matter who the person is, what their physical or cognitive ability, can they perform the activity and process and there are enough robu...
The concept of poka-yoke involves limiting the number of possible incorrect options, resulting in fewer (or no) user errors. Advertisements Techopedia Explains Poka-Yoke Poka-yoke, which is commonly attributed to Toyota’s Shigeo Shingo, can refer to a technique or procedure, or it can be ...
Poka-Yoke is a technique of mistake-proofing a process, applied to shorten and improve it. Poka-Yoke is used commonly in industrial processes, but also everyday technology-filled objects. Learn how to use it as a complementary tool to the Kanban method.
Poka yoke is something you might hear when talking about Lean manufacturing. It is a Japanese term meaning “mistake proofing,” and wasdeveloped as part of the Toyota Production System. Shigeo Shingo, an engineer at Toyota, is credited with the conceptualization of poka yoke, a technique for ...
Poka yoke is based on the principle that “quality should be built into the process”. It is not enough to rely on inspection or testing to ensure quality; instead, the process should be error-proofed so that defects cannot occur in the first place. Poka yoke is also a proactive approach...
Automobiles often have a number of poka-yokes to help drivers avoid making mistakes. Should a driver exit the vehicle but fail to remove the ignition key, for example, many cars are designed with a poka-yoke that will warn the driver with an auditory alert that the key is still inside ...
Why Poka-Yoke Is Important Even the smallest error in a process can cause large problems down the road. For most businesses, they will impact the bottom line and the ability to fulfill customer requests. There’s also a loss of professionalism when a company does not correct an easily avoida...
IE七大手法 | IE是工业工程(Industrial Engineering)的英文简称,起源于科学管理之父泰勒的“方法研究”与“作业测定”,同时期,吉尔布雷斯夫妇对“作业动作”的细致研究,从而融合形成了工业工程这门学科。IE手法以人的活动为研究对象,强调尊重事实,运用科学的工具和方法对整个生产系统进行观察、记录、分析,寻找问题、发现...
Poka-Yoke and techniques similar to this one improve the quality and reliability of products, services and processes by removing defects altogether. The technique can also help with process designs such as those from Six Sigma – the DMAIC (Define – Measure – Analyze – Improve – Control) pr...