Information a veterinarian will need from you Symptoms of rat and mouse bait poisoning Types of rat and mouse poisons The poisoned rodent can be a problem for your pet How to prevent rodenticide poisoning What to Tell the Veterinarian or a Pet Poison Hotline When a pet has been or is suspe...
Stop what you’re doing. Now is not the time to be researching activated charcoal. Focus on getting your dog the assistance they need. The following are reliable contacts: Expert advice and staffed 24-hours, Poison Pet Hotline: 1-800-213-6680 The ASPCA’s National Animal Poison Control Cen...
Wash it in a dishwasher with the alkaline non-foaming detergent that is usually used in dishwashers. Or wash it in the sink with normal (foaming) dishwashing detergent. Or soap. Or whatever. Very hot water always does a better sterilizing job that warm or cold water, no matter what you'...