What is the opposite of archon? Sentences with the word archon Words that rhyme with archon What is the plural of archon? What is the adjective for archon? What is the noun for archon? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words 6-letter Words Starting With...
The head of a town, city or borough A government leader or representative An official overseeing administrative and legal matters in a town Noun ▲ The head of a town, city or borough “What is startling about this statement is the degree to which thismayoris simply abdicating responsibility ...
He is considered the man of the house. 6 Person Stresses the humanity of an individual. Treat each person with respect. 7 Man A male human endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood. Person A living human. Often used in combination Chairperson. Salesperson. ...
"Media is the plural of mediocre." — Jimmy BreslinWEB XTRAS & Smoking Guns—> Cider House Rules: Admonitions & Ammunition Barbwire by Barbáno / Expanded from the 9-9-2020 Sparks Tribune Diabolical Déjà Vu: Fire is the Devil's only friend Barbwire accurately called 2016 presidential ...
lesson-1-Another-school-Year--What-For优秀课件 LessonOneAnotherSchoolYear---What For?1 Introduction Topicdiscussion:1.Whatdoyouexpectfromanew semester?2.Doyouthinkyoucanfulfilthat?If youthinkyoucan,how?Ifyouthinkyoucan’t,whynot?2 BackgroundInformation Doyouknowanythingaboutthefamoushistoricliterary...
3. Tocultivatethequalitiesofbeingahuman 4. Togatherusefulinformationandknowledge 5. Toencourageintellectualcuriosityandculturalappreciation MemorableQuotes 1.Ineducationwearestrivingnottoteachyouthtomakealiving,buttomakealife. ---WilliamWhite 2.Thefoundationofeverystateistheeducationoftheyouth. -...
Change the singular subject to a plural subject. Example: The travelers placed their effects on the table. Rule 2 Use second person instead of third person. Example: Please show your identification to receive the student discount. Rule 3 ...
SAMFA SAMFS SAMFU SAMFUTU SAMG SAMGA SAMGI SAMGR SAMH SAMHA SAMHADS SAMHAJ ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
A person who protests or rebels against authority A leader of a group of people, especially an unofficial group Something or someone that incites action or activity Noun ▲ A person who agitates or incites trouble “He was anagitatorthroughout his life for the causes in which he believed, po...
“A poll shall not be taken unless either thechairmanof the meeting assents, or the poll is demanded by parochial electors present at the meeting.” Noun ▲ The permanent or long-term president of a committee, company, or other organization ...