Another example of the same evolution is agenda. In Latin (and sometimes in English) it is the plural of agendum (meaning "a thing that needs to be done") but is now almost invariably treated as a singular in English (meaning "a list or set of things that need to be done"), with ...
The children will use an agenda book that the school provides to organize their homework information. Before leaving for home, the children will neatly write their assignments and related directions in theiragendas. Usage notes The wordagenda'' is the Latin plural of ''agendum'', but in English...
believing God’s promises for us may tend to focused on what God is going to do in the future, or do through us. It takes more effort on our part to imagine Who He Is To Us
While the Russian invasion is deeply self-injurious, instead of reviving the West’s dominance of world order, it could hasten its demise, or create a more level playing field between the West and the Rest The Ukraine conflict shows that Europe is no longer immune to major conflict, as it ...
“Refer to theatlasfor details of countries that cannot be seen on a globe.” Noun ▲ A document or resource with an ordered list of data, records or information Noun ▲ A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea Noun
Media, the plural of medium, broadly describes all channels of communication, including everything from printed paper todigital data. Media comprises news, art, educational content, and any form of information that can reach or influence people, including television, radio, books, magazines, andthe...
to do, like that in John 14:12, the works that regenerate, immersed church members do that Jesus did also. In John 20:21, Jesus says, “As my Father hath sent me, so send I you.” What did the Father send His Son to do that His Son sent that group (plural “you”) to do?
a God who answers prayers, a God who forgives sins. Others might think of God more abstractly; they might think, for example, that God is the “absolute infinite.” Some might think ofgodsin the plural, with a lower-caseg. And some might prefer Paul Tillich’s idea of God as the ...
Autobiography is awfully seductive; it's wonderful. Once I got into it, I realized I was following a tradition established by Frederick Douglass - the slave narrative - speaking in the first-person singular, talking about the first-person plural, always saying 'I,' meaning 'we.' —Maya Ange...
It comes from the Latin gerundive addendum, plural addenda, "that which is to be added," from addere (lit. ''give toward'', compare with memorandum, agenda, corrigenda). Supplement A section added to a book or document to give further information or to correct errors. Addendum An item...