Programs written in such a language use its sequential, conditional, and iterative constructs to express algorithms. So this part of the PL/SQL's definition is just saying that it is in the same family of languages as BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, and C. For ......
PL/SQL is a block structured language. The programs of PL/SQL are logical blocks that can contain any number of nested sub-blocks. Pl/SQL stands for "Procedural Language extension of SQL" that is used in Oracle. PL/SQL is integrated with Oracle database ...
There is no predefined limit to the number of rows in a PL/SQL table. The PL/SQL table grows dynamically as you add more rows to the table. The PL/SQL table is, in this way, very different from an array. Related to this definition, no rows for PL/SQL tables are allocated for t...
The bind variables syntax of the form :VARNAME are used primarily in SQL* Plus (except for bind variables for dynamic SQL, I think). For SQL* Developer, PL/SQL Developer, or other apps, there is the "&" for variable substitution: declare v_str1 varchar2(80); begin v_str1...
PL/SQL - What is the difference between procedure and function and package, which is the fastest . 33 Answers are available for this question.
It is a physical constraint defined in the database schema. Purpose: The primary key ensures that each row in a database table is unique and enforces the integrity of the data. It is implemented using SQL when defining tables in a relational database. Characteristics: Uniqueness: A primary...
PL/SQL is astrongly typedlanguage. This means that before you can work with any kind of data structure, you must first declare it. And when you declare it, you specify its type and, optionally, an initial or default value. All declarations of these variables must be made in the declarati...
But what if the comparison is cheap but swapping is expensive? It changes the comparison; and complexity: if it takes me one second to sort 10,000 elements, how long will it take me to sort one million? Complexity in this instance is a relative measure to something else. Come back ...
This release includes support for SQLX operations for generating XML from existing relational and object relational tables. This is based on ISO-ANSI Working Draft for XML-Related Specifications (SQL/XML) [ISO/IEC 9075 Part 14 and ANSI] which defines ways in which the database language SQL can...
One of jOOQ's key features so far has always been to render pretty much exactly the SQL that users expect, without any surprises - unless some emulation is required to make a query work, of course. This means that while join elimination is a powerful feature of many RDBMS, it isn't pa...