Based on how the indicator phenolphthalein worked in Lab III, explain why the golden rod paper turned color when sprayed with Windex (a base) and changed back to the golden rod color when treated with Why is it necessary to dilute car battery acid before titration?
upon waking up and at bedtime. I mix it in a cup of fresh water, it is so bitter, but that is OK. It has allowed me to at least sleep at night & keeps the mites from biting me all night.
1. Clean solder at least twice with lots of Windex and paper towels. This neutralizes the flux. (Note: Do NOT leave flux on overnight.) What kind of wax is used for stained glass? 100% pure carnauba wax, the hardest wax available, comes in a shake and squirt bottle. Remove tarnish...
While discussing metacognition, different definitions can be found: "Metacognition is probably best conceptualized as a set of interrelated constructs pertaining to cognition about cognition," [5] or "A metacognitive learner is one who understands the tasks of monitoring, integrating, and extending, ...