What is the pH of a solution with a hydroxide ion concentration of 2.7 x 10-8 M? What is the pH of a solution that has a hydroxide ion concentration of 1.25 x 10^-5 M? What is the pH of a solution that has a hydroxide ion concentration of 1 10 2 M ? What is...
What is the pH of a solution that has a hydroxide ion concentration of1×10−2M? pH: pH can be used to tell whether a solution is acidic or basic. The soap used for cleaning purposes is prepared using sodium hydroxide and triglycerides. Because sodium is basis the pH of...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) uses one common method for measuring alkalinity. It takes a water sample, adds acid, and then checks the pH as the acid is added. The method takes an initial reading of the water, adds small amounts of acid, stirs it, and then measures its pH...
Lye = 13-14 The pH scale is a log scale The scientific definition of pH is: Thanks for reading! Subscribe to get new posts delivered to your inbox: Yes please! pH = -log10[H+] What these symbols mean: [H+] stands for the concentration of H+ ions in the substance in moles pe...
Over the years, I’ve been asked one question so often now that I figured it was time to write a whole post about it. Even most people who know what lye is, don’t really understand it fully and have a lot more questions about it. They are also concerned about the safety of using...
An alkaline solution is a mixture of base solids dissolved in water. The potential of hydrogen, also known as the pH scale, measures the alkalinity or acidity level of a solution. The scale ranges from zero to 14. The midpoint 7 represents a neutral pH. A neutral solution is neither an...
Long coronavirus disease (COVID) is a condition characterized by the emergence of new symptoms or the persistence of existing symptoms for at least two months, three months after the initial infection[1]. Although such a condition has initially been extensively studied, there are still many contra...
The scientific study of matter's characteristics and behaviour is known as chemistry. Chemistry vocabulary and Chemistry glossary are different from the normal vocabulary. It is a branch of natural science that examines the building blocks of matter, including the atoms, molecules, and ions that mak...
This means that we know exactly how strong the lye is so that we can use the exact right amount to make a moisturizing, not harsh, bar of goat milk soap. But if lye comes from a chemist, it can’t possibly be considered natural, can it? That’s up to you. As we’ve mentioned,...
It's much harder to get hold of lye than it used to be in the past. The main source of caustic soda was Red Devil Lye, but thatproduct is off the market now. Why is it hard to get lye? The reason is because it can be used to control pH duringmethamphetamine production. There ar...