The concept of supersymmetry postulates that for each particle there is an associated anti-particle. Supersymmetric string theory is shortened tosuperstring theory. String theory is only a mathematical model and still lacks concrete experimental evidence to prove its accuracy. Even so, the model provid...
The geometry of the universe is determined by the density of matter within the universe. Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity describes how matter can curve space, so the matter's density can control the curvature and geometry of space on the largest scales. The key value is the "...
While the “warped extra dimension” (WED) is a trademark of a popular physics model first introduced in 1999, this research, published in The European Physical Journal C, is the first to cohesively use the theory to explain the long-lasting dark matter problem within particle physics. ...
What is the smallest elementary particle? What is a hypothetical elementary particle? What is a boson particle? What is the particle model theory? What is particle model theory? What are decuplets in particle physics? What is the charge of an elementary particle? What is a beta particle? Wha...
It basically set forth the idea that gravity is a predictable force that acts on all matter in the universe, and is a function of both mass and distance. The theory states that each particle of matter attracts every other particle (for instance, the particles of "Earth" and the particles ...
And then there is the use of entanglement for quantum computing, but I'll leave that for someone else. Have we proven quantum entanglement? For more than 50 years, scientists worldwide experimented with Bell's Theorem but were never able to test the theory fully. In 2015, however, three ...
While realization of Majorana modes beyond mean field is plausible, we show that the challenge to quantum-control them is compounded by particle-conservation, and more realistic protocols will have to balance engineering needs with astringent constraints coming from superselection rules. Majorana modes ...
When asking whether consciousness is an "essentially quantum effect", one must first lay down criteria for considering an effect quantum mechanical. After a brief survey of the interpretations of quantum theory, three such sufficient criteria are proposed and examined: wave-particle duality (or collap...
What Is Matter According to Particle Physics, and Why Try to Observe Its Creation in a Lab? The standard model of elementary interactions has long qualified as a theory of matter, in which the postulated conservation laws (one baryonic and three leptonic) acquire theoretical meaning. However, re...
pudding, a dessert adored by the British. The electrons were the negative plums embedded in a positive pudding. The name stuck, and the model is still commonly referred to as the Plum Pudding Model. However, it is also often called the Watermelon Model. I’m sure the connotation is ...