Silent Hill: Homecomingis known for having some of the best creature designs in the post-Team Silent era, and Scarlet is a clear example of that. A tall porcelain-covered creature housing what seems to be the flesh and beating heart of Scarlet Fitch, her scream is still enough to send sh...
Whileopinionsvaryon the quality of Bloober Team's efforts, the general consensus is that the remake did the 2001 game justice in virtually every department. Seeing as many people had mixed feelings about the studio's track record and heldSilent Hill 2in especially high reg...
By the 20th century, the town had becomeconnected to the Otherworld. It isn’t clear what the latter is supposed to be. However, it is best described as a liminal realm that is responsive to humans in the sense that it will twist itself based on their fears as well as their other tho...