OSCP vs CEH How to Pass the CEH Exam First? - Syllabus & Exam Format What is Spoofing and How it Works? Wanna Cry Ransomware Attack (Easily Explained) What is Client-Server Architecture? What is Cryptography? What is Web Server? - Working, Types, and Examples Firewall - What is, Types...
OSCP vs CEH How to Pass the CEH Exam First? - Syllabus & Exam Format What is Spoofing and How it Works? Wanna Cry Ransomware Attack (Easily Explained) What is Client-Server Architecture? What is Cryptography? What is Web Server? - Working, Types, and Examples Firewall - What is, Types...
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certification CompTIA Security+ Cisco’s CCNA Security SANS GIAC OSWE What problems does ethical hacking identify? Ethical hacking aims to mimic an actual attack to look for attack vectors against the target. The initial goal is to perform reconnaissance...
Metasploit is a widely used penetration testing tool that makes hacking way easier than it used to be. It has become an indispensable tool for both red team and blue team.
get certified by organizations that ensure that students receive a solid grounding in the principles of ethical hacking. The EC Council’s Certified Ethical Hacking Certification, CompTIA Security+, and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certifications are among the most reputable ...
AccountsSystems HardeningUser Access Review (UAR)Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability ScanningWhat is a Pass-the-Hash Attack (PtH)?Windows AuditingZero Standing Privileges Glossary 1m Glossary 37m
Overview:The OSCP is a hands-on penetration testing certification, testing the ability to effectively discover and exploit vulnerabilities in target systems and networks. Advantages:OSCP-certified individuals are prepared to obtain roles in pentesting or security assessment. ...
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certified Red Team Operations Professional (CRTOP) What is a blue team? NIST defines ablue teamas “the group responsible for defending an enterprise’s use of information systems by maintaining its security posture against a group of mock attackers.”...
At FRSecure we have an entire team dedicated to pen testing for clients all year round. Our team hasOSCPtraining as well asnumerous competition awards(like Defcon CTF and Wild West Hacking Fest). If you’re going to have one of these tests done, find ethical hacking professionals who have...
Learn what ethical hacking is, its importance, and the different types of ethical hacking techniques used to protect networks and systems from cyber threats.