Of the 144081 characters on Anime Characters Database, 33 are from the mobile game WHAT IN "HELL" IS BAD?.
Of the 144196 characters on Anime Characters Database, 19 are from the anime WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?.
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick Miscellaneous This my cat Mousey say something nice Miscellaneous Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany Miscellaneous What loli part is best loli part? Miscellaneous Op here of kristin ama Miscellaneous New FB IG VSCO Miscellaneous ...
While delving into the perilous mines of the alien planet Hoxxes IV, every dwarf has a role to play. But what is yours? In this article, we'll go on a deep dive into each of the classes in Ghost Ship Games’ first-person co-op shooter, Deep Rock Galactic, and help you determine ...
In the last week of March, Sony sprung the PlayStation Store Spring Sale promotion, which housed thousands of items. This week, Sony added more games to the list in the Spring Sale update! Check out the complete list of added games and even the original list. Based on our internal ...
Featuring much of the music from the incredible Chopin, what makes the series stand out amongst other musically driven anime is the fact that each performer seen throughout the series has their very own professional pianist. Playing the music of Chopin to perfection, Forest of Piano is a great...
cheerful atmosphere that undoubtedly aids the player in getting ready for their journey. Since Pallet Town is so close to the woods, many wild Pokémon often appear in the middle of the town. Much like the area, however, these Pokémon are often rather calm; it is very uncommon for a shoc...
begins.The United Kingdom of Euchronia hangs in the balance as usurpers vie for the throne and political upheaval swells. Amidst this chaos, our story follows a young protagonist and his fairy companion Gallica as they embark on a secret mission that could determine the entire nation’s fate...
TheFate/franchise has become synonymous with Netflix in recent years, and that looks to continue the TV special ofFate/Grand Order: First Order. Unbeknownst to the population, humanity is on the brink of extinction. To stop the cataclysmic world-ending event from happening, the Chaldea Security...
We here at Honey’s Anime decided to take a brief look at some of the mechanics that make Fate/Grand Order so appealing! A Combination of All the Fate Series CDJapan There have been other Fate-centered games in the past. However, Fate/Grand Order is truly one of the first to combine...