The water of speech is quenched. The Oracle at Delphi in answer to the Emperor Julian in 362 AD, or also cited as a statement to the Emperor Theodosius I, 393 AD, or to Julian by the Oracle at Daphne. The first translation is by Peter Hoyle, Delphi [Cassell and Company, London, ...
Our greatest interest is to _(探究我们新发现的洞穴). explore the newly di 28、scovered cave,divine oracles,oracles :the oracle of Apollo at Delphi,指古希腊神话中Apollo神在Delphi地方发布的神谕; 极聪明可靠的预测;或是意义模糊而模棱两可的论断。比较汉语表达“如接到圣旨”,虽然也表示了一种恭敬的...
The question of "what is a self" is probably the most puzzling and persistent in philosophy. It announces itself with the Oracle at Delphi's injunction: "know thyself." Such an injunction, of course, presupposes that there is something there to be known, that the self can stand there as...
What do you know about divination in the west? A、The King of Athens consultilng the oracle at Delphi. B、The temple of Apollo in Delphi Greece. C、Roman Auguries. D、Fortuna and her Wheel. 点击查看答案&解析 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题 骨组织的细胞类型包括() A、骨原细胞 B、成骨...
One day it came to the attention of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates that the oracle at Delphi had pronounced him the wisest man in the world. This baffled the philosopher—he did not think himself worthy of such a decree. It made him uncomfortable. He decided to simply go around Ath...
The oracle is a priestess of the god Apollo. She lived at a temple in the Greek city of Delphi. The oracle was believed to receive visions from Apollo...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer ...
What is the message of the Oracle of Delphi to Chaerephon about Socrates? There is no man wiser than Socrates What is objectivity? the realm of reason and logic and has nothing to do with feelings What is subjectivity? based on feelings ...
He is the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo is a god who offers protection and speaks through his oracle at Delphi, providing guidance to those who seek it. For Nietzsche, Apollo is a deity related to calmness and reason. Drunkenness and Dionysus Maenads, by ...
Apollo is the god of prophecy. In the play,Oedipus RexApollo reveals his various prophecies through his oracle at Delphi. His most important... Learn more about this topic: Oedipus Rex by Sophocles | Summary, Themes & Characters from
The Delphi method was originally conceived in the 1950s by Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalkey of Rand Corp. The name refers to the Oracle of Delphi, a priestess at the temple of Apollo in ancient Greece known for her prophecies. The Delphi method allows experts to work toward amutual agreementby...