- Well, no, not literally . That's disgusting. What's wrong with you? (colloquial) Used as a generic downtoner : just, merely. You literally put it in the microwave for five minutes and it's done. Usage notes"Literally" is the opposite of "figuratively", so many authorities object ...
What is the opposite ofhypothetically? Needantonyms for hypothetically? Here's a list ofopposite wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Adverb Opposite of in the beliefs or according to the claims of some people Opposite of in all likelihood ...
- Well, no, notliterally. That's disgusting. What's wrong with you? (colloquial)Used as a generic downtoner: just, merely. Youliterallyput it in the microwave for five minutes and it's done. Usage notes "Literally" is the opposite of "figuratively", so many authorities object to the ...
What is the opposite of less? What word means 'given to inconsistencies'? What is an antonym for maelstrom? What does polemic mean? What's the opposite of always? What does the word Bible mean literally? What is equivocation? What is a synonym for insincere?
" the sentence is understood in precisely the same non-literal way as hyperbole or exaggeration. Addingjust adds emphasis. It's the salt in the stew, because the burden of meaning is on the other words,,. Therefore, ifis added and no change results in the meaning, thenliterally carries ...
is that literally is (speech act) word for word; not figuratively; not as an idiom or metaphor while actually is (modal) in act or in fact; really; in truth; positively. Why is literally misused? Since some people take sense 2 to be the opposite of sense 1, it has been frequently ...
You can define it, for example, as 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction - writing which is not literally true.Seventeenth-century English literatureincludes Shakespeare, Webster, Marvell and Milton; but it also stretches to the essays ofFrancis Bacon, the sermons ofJohn Donne,Bunyan's...
What is the meaning of elopement? 1a :to run away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent… What does pukka mean in English? Pukka (Hindi पक्का, Urdu پكّا pakkā) is a word of Hindi and Urdu origin literally meaning "cooked,...
Another standard American English use ofliterallyis an expression of strong emotion or humor. This contradictory meaning opposes the central meaning ofliterally, without exaggeration. In colloquial speech, we can say thatliterallycan mean its exact opposite,figuratively. ...
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