Why does the sunk cost fallacy occur? The sunkcostfallacy occurs because decision-making is often irrational and based on emotions. Indeed, failing to follow through on a decision can lead to feelings of guilt, remorse, or shame. The fallacy is also related tocommitment bias, or a tendency ...
Chapter 1: The Historian and his factsSir George Clark….contrasted the ‘hard core of facts’ in history with the ‘surrounding pulp of disputable interpretation’ –forgetting perhaps that the pulpy part of the fruit is more rewarding than the hard core. 草!太毒舌了!!What are "historical ...
Thus, Jesus did not describe heaven, nor the Buddha Nirvana. Yet each described a task to do, standards to follow, and a Way to salvation. This seems to me the sum of the Law and the Prophets. Infantile Atheism God as Love The gods of Euripides...
When he tries to think about the future itself, his mind diminishes to a pin point with imbecility, which some call Nirvana. To-morrow is the Gorgon; a man must only see it mirrored in the shining shield of yesterday. If he sees it directly he is turned to stone. This has been the...
“Michael Goldberg is a Five Star Journalist General” December 10, 2022 The Whole World In a Song: An Interview with Critic Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan, His New Dylan Book, the Role of the Critic and Much More September 30, 2022 Rock Critics/ Historians at Litquake: Greil Marcus, Ben...
“Wicked Game”: “…is probably my favorite rock book of all time. …” December 17, 2022 “Michael Goldberg is a Five Star Journalist General” December 10, 2022 The Whole World In a Song: An Interview with Critic Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan, His New Dylan Book, the Role of the ...
Today a follow-up to my 2010 article about the meaning of the is operator. Presented as a dialog, as is my wont! I've noticed that the is operator is inconsistent in C#. Check this out: string s = null; // Clearly null is a legal value of type string boo
, sometimes abbreviated to Gen-X, is a term used to describe the people born roughly between 1960 and 1980. It is sandwiched between the Baby Boomer and Millennial generations. Stereotyped as having characteristics such as a lack of direction and cynicism, members of this group they have been...