, the Nicene Creed reads, "We believe in the Holy Spirit… How did the Filioque contribute to the great schism? The primary causes of the Schism weredisputes over papal authority—the Pope claimed he held authority over the four Eastern Greek-speaking patriarchs, and over the insertion of th...
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Church, which, as the Nicene Creed tells us, is one, holy, universal, and apostolic. In Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit, God the Father offers forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to all the world. Those who respond to God’s offer in faith ...
No Prophet or Sophee ever said that he himself was "the Son of Man," and that he would "come again on the Last Day to judge both the quick and the dead," as the Nicene Creed puts it on the pretended authority of the Sayings of Jesus Christ. The frequent use of the appellation ...
The Holy Spirit is referred to asthe Lord and Giver of Life inthe Nicene creed. He is the Creator Spirit, present before the creation of the universe and through his power everything was made in Jesus Christ, by God the Father. Why did Jesus came on earth? Jesus came to do the will ...
Whether the Christian baptismal formula is authentic or spurious I believe there is a hidden truth in it. For it must be admitted that the Evangelists never authorize the use of it in any other ritual, prayer, or creed other than that of Baptism. This point is extremely important. St. Jo...
Our Catholic Faith Living What We Believe CHAPTER 1 Our Loving God: Father and Creator One, True God Beliefs about God Divine Revelation Who Is God? Creator of Heaven and Earth Chapter 1 Our Loving God: Father and Creator One, True God We need never fear the ...
1 2 HOWWEBELIEVE 1.WEARECHRISTIAN First,weareChristianswhichdistinguishesusfromotherworldreligionsandcults.Therefore,we adheretoboththeApostlesandNiceneCreeds.Wealsoverymuchagreewiththetheologicaland confessionalstatementsofTheGospelCoalition 2.WEAREEVANGELICAL Second,weareEvangelicalsandinagreementwiththedoctrinal...
The point of all this rambling is that Christians approach worship in many different ways. In theory, they all embrace the profession of faith that is summarized in the Nicene Creed (there's even some debate over whether that should be applicable) and how they approach worship depends solely ...
the Jews, the Syrians, the Phoenicians, the Chaldeans, and the Assyrians. Now it is but clear that the Christians belonging to the Aramaic-speaking nationalities would certainly prefer to read and pray in their own language, and consequently various Gospels, Epistles, prayer-books, and liturg...