Newborn screening is a process of performing a series of tests on newborn babies to check for certain medical conditions...
This test may be useful for supporting a Fabry disease diagnosis when genetic testing results are not clear or in female patients without symptoms.Prenatal testing and newborn screening: These tests can be used to look for GLA mutations or measure alpha-Gal A enzyme activity in an unborn fetus...
Newborn screening programs are usually restricted to conditions or diseases that are treatable so early intervention is possible.Answer and Explanation: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a mutation in the PAH which codes for the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylas...
What is the Apgar score? It's a simple, numerical assessment that rates how a baby is doing at birth. The Apgar test helps healthcare providers quickly determine whether your newborn might need additional medical assistance. Anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar, M.D. developed this scoring system in...
Blood test:All states requirenewborn screening tests. Your baby's heel is pricked and a few drops of blood are taken to test for metabolic, genetic, and endocrine problems. Because some signs of the conditions don't show up until the second day of life or later, it's best to do this...
A preconception appointment is a visit with your OB-GYN or primary care physician to discuss your pregnancy plans. This combination medical checkup and preconception counseling visit can help you and your doctor make sure your body is ready for creating a new tiny human. During your visit, you...
Learn all about the NCLEX-RN exam including what it is, when to take it, how to prep and more. Discover everything you need to get into nursing school.
Learn More Calculate Your Ovulation Date Find out when you're likely to conceive with our ovulation calculator.Learn More Try the Chinese Gender Predictor This chart is a fun way to guess whether you’re having a boy or a girl.Learn More...
What does a heel stick test for? Heel stick blood samples are used for tests such as: Complete blood counts Liver functiontests Toxicologic tests Bedside glucose monitoring Bloodgasanalysis Newbornscreening tests Newborn screening is one of the primary reasons for a heel stick. Newborn screening ...
See how your baby is developing each week of your pregnancy.Learn More Calculate Your Pregnancy Due Date When will baby be here? Use this tool to calculate your due date.Learn More Join the What to Expect Community Join our community for baby name ideas, birth month groups and more!Learn ...