Fortniteis currently in the middle ofChapter Five, season four. This isthe31st seasonof Epic’s long-running battle royale, titled “Absolute Doom.” The season isMarvel-themedand mostly revolves aroundthe ongoing battle to overcome theiconicFantastic Fourvillain Doctor Doom. The narrative in this...
Nexus War is here and with it Marvel superheroes have arrived to fight off the impending Galactus’ arrival on PS4, PC, and Xbox. From Thor to Groot to Storm to Iron Man… there are many hero skins you can unlock this season. Find out what else is new this season below. Nexus War ...
Yes, each new Fortnite season will COST YOU. Remember those v-bucks? Each season is currently 950 v-bucks (approximately $9.50 USD) How Much Does the Game Cost So, how much is this game costing you and where can you play Fortnite? Let’s look at the costs and platforms on this gam...
Much like Apple fans when a new iPhone is announced, players can be so impressed that they're compelled to get onboard - although in the case of Fortnite, they don't necessarily have to pay to get a taste. Next: Fortnite-Mistborn Crossover: Who is the Survivor? Source: GamesRadarSubsc...
Fortnite Battle Royale: Battle Royale is what most people associate with Fortnite. You play alongside 99 other players, each trying to be the last one standing. Battle Royale is available for solo players, teams of two, and squads of three or four. Fortnite: Save the World: Save the Wo...
Fortnite season 8 is live. and it comes with a host of new changes. Here's everything you need to know about the game's latest season.
By Iain Wilson published December 08, 2023 Fortnite Festival launches on December 9 and The Weeknd is featured artist for Season 1 Comments (Image credit: Epic Games) Fortnite Festival mode is generating a lot of hype, as this new rhythm action experience developed by Harmonix, the iconic...
Kaylee Fagan
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 NPCs and locationsThere are currently 16 NPCs on the island in Chapter 4 Season 4, one of which is even a new skin that has not yet been seen in the game or shop. Each of them offers their services or helpful items in exchange for gold bars. Below is ...
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 brings back NPCs, which you could’ve guessed since they’ve now been in the game consistently for more than two years. Each season of new Fortnite characters to meet and greet means new dialogue lines, new items or services to buy from them, and debuts of ...