What is the difference between classical conditioning and learning by association? What is the neutral stimulus in classical conditioning? What is a neutral stimulus in classical conditioning? What is the meaning of extinction in classical conditioning?
What is the neutral stimulus in classical conditioning? How does classical conditioning affect classroom behavior? How is thunder an example of classical conditioning? Why are control groups important with classical conditioning? What is meant by the statement, "Classical conditioning is a reversible pro...
Conditioned stimulus:It is also known as the neutral stimulus. This occurs when the stimulus is presented repeatedly before the unconditioned stimulus to evoke the same response as an unconditioned response. For example, ringing the bell before giving food to the dog is a conditioned stimulus. Co...
During an EMDR session, a client typically revisits emotionally difficult memories in brief sequential doses while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. A therapist usually uses directed lateral eye movements as the external stimulus.
The neutral stimulus became a conditioned stimulus by being paired with the unconditioned stimulus. Subsequently, the conditioned stimulus (bell) by itself was able to elicit the dog's salivation. stimulus that occurs after CS–US pairing (Pavlov, 1927). Sometimes conditioned responses are quite ...
Feeling anger in response to an apparent stimulus is often your body and brain's collaborative way of letting you know the situation may be unhealthy. It can allow you to reach out to others involved and constructively express how you feel to rectify the situation together. Open conversat...
Rise and fall of the voice pitch Stress A condition of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain "He presided over the economy during the period of its greatest stress and danger" (Robert J. Samuelson). Intonation Singing by a soloist of the opening piece of plainsong Stress A stimulus or cir...
A Minsky moment is the onset of a market collapse brought on by speculative activity during an unsustainable bullish period.
What is instinctual behavior indicative of? (a) unlearned responses (b) species-specific responses (c) genetically transmitted behaviors (d) all of these. Instinctual Behavior: Instinctual behavior occurs in basically any animal,...
1 Department of PsychologyPLoS ONEPetrova K, Wentura D, Bermeitinger C. What happens during the stimulus onset asynchrony in the dot- probe task? Exploring the role of eye movements in the assessment of attentional biases. PLoS One. 2013; 8(10):e76335. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal....