What Lies in the Multiverse is a story-driven 2D adventure that one could call a dramatic comedy. Filled to the brim with hilarious, cartoonish hijinks, the narrative also presents the player with mature and deep themes like death, envy, and obsession. ...
What Is The Multiverse? This is where the idea of the multiverse comes in.Multiversetheory suggests that our universe, which consists of billions and billions of planets, stars and galaxies and extends out tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only universe in existence. There...
「多元宇宙有什么(What Lies in the Multiverse)」-游戏试玩,本视频由小O君游戏解说提供,44次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
Theory is a theory that many parallel universes exist, including our own, and the collection of parallel or multiple universes is known as the Multiverse. There is an infinite number of universes in the multiverse. You couldn't say there are 10,000 universes; you can't determine the number...
《多元宇宙里有什么(What Lies in the Multiverse)》是由Studio Voyager, Iguanabee制作,Untold Tales发行的一款2D平台动作冒险游戏,在游戏中玩家将身处一个由多种世界组合而成的地方,你需要运用你穿越位面的能力帮助自己不断前进。 游戏背景 《What Lies in the Multiverse》是一款风格搞笑、由情节驱动的2D冒险...
Buy What Lies in the Multiverse and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
Sit back and enjoy the official soundtrack of What Lies in the Multiverse, complete with all 55 original tracks from the game. The songs are divided into two main groups: character music and stage music, all composed by Vicente Aguiló and arranged by Ronny Antares. Indulge your ears with ...
《What Lies in the Multiverse》的剧情非常天马行空,是以一个小男孩无意之间进入多元宇宙,遇到一个名叫埃弗雷特的“神秘人”,这个人也拥有在多元宇宙直接穿梭的能力,但因为主角小男孩的突然出现而被打乱了计划。于是小男孩决定和埃弗雷特一起冒险。游戏的剧情很有想象力,结合可爱的像素画风,以及轻松幽默的对白,...
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